Finished Camel Maya Animation

Finally finished my Maya animation in total it is 19 seconds with music. With feedback from my peers they told me that I should change the music to a more upbeat kind with more action, after all it is a race. So I looked all through the internet and found the perfect piece of music. Enjoy, Again any feedback would be great

My First video with music

My second video with music changed.

Poly Animation Finished

I finally finished my poly animation in Adobe Flash. This took the longest even though it was the most simple to do. This isnt my favorite one but it will have to do. Again feedback would be great.

Walking Animation Finished

I finally finished my walking Animation in Adobe Flash CS5, I thought that I would post it to share with you all. I added some music just to lighten the mood a little bit and added a fade at the end, just to make it look a bit more presentable. All in all this took ages to finish because im not that gifted in the art of drawing. So please dont mind the Stick men XD. Hope you enjoy it. Feedback would be great

Matrix 360 Effect

When i was creating my Animation, I wanted to incorporate the Matrix slow motion 3D effect. seen here,


To do this in Maya I had to create a NURBS Primitive, Then attach a camera on the the NURBS and rotate the camera around by object using a “Turn Table” effects built in to maya.

Heres what is looks like in maya

Clint Eastwood Animation

When looking through different parts of the internet, I came across an article about a Clint Eastwood animation. This is his person project called

Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway

The animation and modeling was done by Stanislav Klabík.

It is truly amazing

Read More at http://blog.bttrove.org/1774

24 Animations In 24 Hours.

I found a video about 24 Animations in 24 Hours. Makes everyone who watch it, die a little inside because its takes us weeks to finished 2 animation. These animators did it in 24 Hours :S

Maya Animation

Whilst on my daily stumbleupon, I stumbled upon a maya animation reel, This is amazing, really good animation and visual effects, It looks like they used the z-brush too, but i can not confirm it as there is no information about it.


My Camels Maya

So I finished my Maya Camel model, which i did my self with no help from Matt what so ever….


Walking Animation (Not Finished)

This is my almost finished walking animation. It still needs some work done, like doing the arms and tweaking need to be done overall. To me this is good it’s not the next Pixar master piece nor is it a work of art but its good enough for me.


Walking Animation 3

This is the updated version of my walking animation.

Walking Test 2

I added a head, Neck and Body to the walk cycle. It makes it look so much better, I will be getting feedback from my piers and will post what they said.

Mat’s 3D sheep

Since my 3D model is a custom shape, I had to make a 2D line drawing then extrude it in Maya. I did not know how to do this but Mat taught me, using a simple sheep from the internet he to taught me how to do it. This was his result.

flash Walking

When Trying to complete the walk cycle, I took some screenshots of my effort and decided to post them here. Look any enjoy.

Flash Test Walk Cycle

After looking at the bone tool, I realised that it didn’t work. SO i dicieded to use a frame by frame technique but I need some feedback. Using The Animator’s Survival Guide by Richard Williams is has helped me with the fram by frame cycle but it still looks to scratchy.

Please Look

Playing with Maya

Playing around with different things in Maya looked at dynamics.

Toy Story unknown Facts

I was going to post the whole artical here but it was to long so here is the link.


The Making of The Incredibles (2004)

This is an alternate opening to The Incredibles, if they made this opening it would have made the film awesome. Rather that the intro they picked, the StoryBoard artist depicted a Garden Party where Bob “Mr Incredible” “chops” his finger when cutting a steak. It’s really funny, I suspect that Pixar cut it from the movie because is was to graphic to be a PG or a U.

Toy Story Progression Reel

This is another Progression Reel but for Toy Story this time. From basic StoryBoarding to Animations. Very basic animation, it gives a good insight on how Pixar work and how they get to the final stage.

Monster Inc Progression Reel

This short video is the steps from storyboard to layout to animation. from the very basics of drawing to animating the polygons to rendering with Pixar Renderman.

Toy Story StoryBoard explained

The script writer and the StoryBoard artist talks through the steps on how they approved and started making Toy Story. A good insite on how Pixar Works

First Maya Render

This is the first render I did in Autodesk Maya, Using point lighting and three point lighting I created the light casting off the ball. I animated a ball bouncing (not a very good animation), then rendered it out in a jpg sequence. I then used Adobe After Effects to make the sequence in to a film, above is the result.

Autodesk Maya 2012 in-depth

Just a quick look at the Autodesk Maya 2012. I was looking around the internet and I found some information on the new Autodesk Maya 2012.



Maya Animation Showreel

This is a showreel from an animator that worked on Sanctuary tv show. All the animations were done in Autodesk Maya 2009/2010.



Claymation Matrix Scene

This is a really good claymation that I found on youtube, it is an adaptation of the matrix fight scene.